The very best adventure of our life

Carlotta Cerri
12 aprile 2015

Exactly four weeks ago, at this time, I started labour and was about to live one of the most exciting, overwhelming, intense, surreal, happiest months of my life.

I was only four hours away (lucky me!) to meet our little boy, hold him in my arms… and never let go. Since then, we’ve been together 24/7 and yes, it’s exhausting at times (most of the time?)—secretly worrying every step of the way, not sleeping more than 3 hours at the time, continuously wondering, “are we doing it right?”, and never ever knowing the answer.

But it’s also so rewarding—when all he needs to stop crying is to hear your voice or feel your touch, when he feeds while looking at you straight in the eyes and holding your finger in his tiny hand, when he sleeps with daddy and all you can do is stare at them, all those small victories (like changing nappy without screaming ;-) and those little things we learn about each other every day.

And even though sometimes it still feels unreal, temporary—like somebody will soon come and take him away and our lives will go back to the way they were—it’s becoming very clear that this is going to be the very best adventure of our life.

I can’t wait to see what new challenges, achievements, worries, victories and defeats tomorrow will bring us. I can’t wait to wake up in 2.5 hours and start my 29th day as a mum.

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