Ask yourself what you want from Christmas

I wish you can slowly build your Christmas and your traditions. Unconditionally.

Carlotta Cerri
26 dicembre 2021

Christmas went well for us, in the middle of nowhere and with my mom who managed to join us.

I know that for many, though, Christmas was a disappointment and I feel your hardship. In disappointments I see opportunities. The opportunity to learn not to have expectations or at least not to depend on them. Expectations poison the soul for no reason at all.

When you don't have expectations, you understand that there is very little you can control in life. And that little is usually your reaction to events. It makes no sense to worry about what we cannot control, what makes sense is to act to control what we can.

Many people have told me that Christmas is a difficult time every year.

I wish you can slowly build your Christmas and your traditions. Find out what makes you feel good about Christmas without conditions or expectations, keep what you like and appreciate, and leave what you feel it's an obligation.

You will make peace with Christmas (and with life) when you stop asking yourself what others want from you, what you can do to make others happy, and instead you start asking yourself what you want from Christmas (from others, from life), what you can do to make yourself happy.

Don't wait until next year, start asking these questions now.

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