The kids carseat we traveled the world with

We've been so happy with the kids' miFold travel carseats that I decided to tell you more about them in this post.

Carlotta Cerri
21 gennaio 2021

This is not an advertisement nor a sponsorship. I don't earn anything with this post, I simply want to show you a product that we like. If you can, look for retailers before buying it on Amazon (avoiding Amazon means helping our planet).

As you know, we have been full-time travelers for two years now, and there are very few things that have been necessary on this journey. One of them is the miFold travel seat for our children.

It's not a booster that lifts the child up; it's a seat with hooks that keep the seat belt in the correct and safe position.

What I like about it:

  • It's compact: when I ventured out alone with the kids in big cities I always had their TWO miFolds in my backpack.
  • It's easy to use: with a little practice, it becomes super easy to install and use (now the kids are 4 and alomst 6 and they can put on their seat belts by themselves).
  • It's a great travel companion: perfect for Taxi, Grab and Uber, it's been with us everywhere, from Europe to Asia to New Zealand.
  • It's safe: it shouldn't replace a car seat in everyday life (if I were stable, I would still prefer having a car seat with a backrest and headrest), but it is sufficiently safe, and obviously safer than not having it.
  • It's adjustable: the company recommends it from 15kg and 4 years of age. We have used it for Emily since we started traveling, she was about 2,5 years old: we definitely preferred having it in Vietnamese traffic in Ho Chi Minh than getting into a taxi without it.

What I don't like about it:

  • I don't think it comes from a sustainable company or at least they don't talk about sustainable production on their website.
  • It's not ideal when children sleep, because it doesn't have a headrest (otherwise it would not be so compact). It didn't happen often, but if they slept in an unsafe position, we had to stop and wake them up so the seat belt would stay in the correct position.

We have been very happy with our miFolds and we wouldn't travel without them anymore. On my IG account @lateladicarlottablog you can find a video (in Italian) of me showing you the miFold and Oliver and Emily showing you how they put on their seat belts by themselves.

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Ciao! Sono Carlotta, creatrice de La Tela e viaggiatrice a tempo pieno insieme alla mia famiglia, Alex, Oliver ed Emily.

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