
Carlotta Cerri
11 agosto 2020

Born in 1985 in Helsinki (Finland). His mother passed away when he was 6.

He left school when he was 14 because it wasn’t for him, and started working in IT.

At 15 he went to live alone.

At 19 he moved to Spain.

At 20 he started working in a company with an American guy (now they are partners, and are going for 14 years of marriage 😉). At that time, he won the Slashdot redesign contest and worked with Google, Virgin America, YouTube…

At 22 he met Carlotta, at 25 he married her, at 30 he had Oliver, at 31 Emily, at 33 he sold everything to travel the world, at 34 he left. He celebrated his 35th birthday in Bali.

He is always positive and optimistic, he believes that nothing is impossible, his superpower is to find anything on Google, and he has an amazing memory (which at times makes him a bit presumptuous and annoying, but we keep him as he is).


He was a very loud boy, often lost his voice, and once the doctor prescribed him to stay silent for a week, because of his vocal cords getting irritated. 😂

When he was young he had a rare disease, rheumatic fever, that no one could identify and kept him in the hospital for many months and unwell for two years.

He never went to the army, because he moved abroad: Finland is the only European country where the army is still compulsory, so he was unable to return to Helsinki until he was 31 (year in which Carlotta also visited it for the first time).

When he left school he worked in a pizzeria as the pizza delivery guy, then he was promoted to pizza maker. He still makes delicious pizza from scratch at home (which makes Carlotta very happy).

He moved to Spain in search for the sun and picked Fuengirola because there is a large community of Finns there.

When he moved to Spain he slept in the awning of a camper van and had something like €1 per day to eat.

He has a very strong sense of justice and respect for others.

He rented a car and drove it from Spain to Italy and back to Spain to pick up Carlotta (with her whole life in boxes) and move her to Marbella.

He prefers to buy online, because he hates bad selection in physical stores. He is really good at it and is the official shopper for the whole family (even for Carlotta!).

He is the family cook, Carlotta rarely steps into the kitchen.

Since they've been together, not a day has gone by that he hasn't said to Carlotta "You are beautiful".

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Ciao! Sono Carlotta, creatrice de La Tela e viaggiatrice a tempo pieno insieme alla mia famiglia, Alex, Oliver ed Emily.

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