How did the kids take it? (We’re selling everything to travel the world)

Carlotta Cerri
8 gennaio 2019

Since I told you that we’re selling everything we own to travel the world for a few years, I’m getting lots of questions (I’d have questions, too… it’s pure craziness!). So here’s a column with all the answers, one by one. (If you’ve got questions, write them in the comments and I’ll note them down for future posts).

How did the kids take it?

This is probably the most common question I’m receving.

Emily (2) probably doesn’t understand it yet, maybe when we leave, in six months, she’ll be a bit bigger and she’ll understand a bit better.

Oliver (3.5), on the other hand, is literally over the moon, it’s all he talks about. I’m telling you, this boy is a traveler! He loved spending the summer 2018 in Canada, and if you think children don’t remember, think twice!

Now, after four months, Oliver still speaks a lot about Canada (he pronounces it CaDAna :-D) and about what we saw and did there, and his teacher told me he does the same in school: when they read books or talk about something that reminds him about it, he tells little anectdotes: “When I was in Cadana, … “.

And sometimes he surprises us with little details and memories. We recently spent a night at a farm cottage that had a fire place, and Oliver said “We need marshmallows!”. The mind blowing thing is that we ate marshmallows only ONCE in Canada, when we camped at Park Omega, and never spoke about it again after that.

And now he can’t wait to go to Africa (I’ll soon have to break the news that we’re most likely starting from Asia… ;-)

2021 update

We didn't go to Africa, but on the other hand we lived with monkeys in Singapore, spent a day in Chiang Mai with elephants, lived on a virgin island in Thailand, swam with turtles in Bali, saw orangutans in Malaysia and gibbons and crocodiles in Vietnam… not to mention all the wonderful birds of New Zealand, which we now know very well.

The kids are calm, curious, independent, so happy that when I look at them I think "You made the right choice!".

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Ciao! Sono Carlotta, creatrice de La Tela e viaggiatrice a tempo pieno insieme alla mia famiglia, Alex, Oliver ed Emily.

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