See you in September!

Carlotta Cerri
28 giugno 2017

My dear friends close and far, I’m saying goodbye for the summer.

I’m taking a break from the blog to be able to concentrate on my other project, my gorgeous course platform that my hubby designed and made for me: I’m improving and expanding my current course “Montessori Starter-Kit: How to Start your Montessori Journey at Home”; and I want to start writing another, more theoretical Montessori course about the transformation of the adult.

If you have already purchased the course, you’ll LOVE the upgrade (and it’ll be free for you, of course!); if you haven’t, believe me, you’ll want to buy it! (The course is still only in Italian, but I want to start translating it soon into English and Spanish—it’ll probably be ready by the end of the year).

So between the lack of sleep, the Marbella heat, Oliver off nursery and our travel to Finland (daddy’s land, finally!) in August, I simply can’t keep everything up: and a break from the blog is the only way for me to honour my commitment to reset and respect my priorities, and to be able to do what I preach in my mindful parenting post (you’ll find it below in the suggested posts)—live more in the moment.

I KNOW I’ll keep writing (I have a few posts 3/4 ready), but I won’t be doing it on a regular basis, it’ll be more spur-of-the-moment blogging. Also, I won’t be sending out a newsletter, but I’ll publish blog posts on Facebook, and photo posts on Instagram, so you really won’t have time to miss me much… although I know you’ll miss me anyway hehe ;-)

Have a lovely summer, enjoy your family, live in the moment, practice GPS parenting and I’ll see you in September!

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Ciao! Sono Carlotta, creatrice de La Tela e viaggiatrice a tempo pieno insieme alla mia famiglia, Alex, Oliver ed Emily.

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