Baby Shower: how to organise it and my favourite gift ideas

Carlotta Cerri
20 dicembre 2016

It all started from my friend Nandi, because in Brazil, like in America, they celebrate the Baby Shower. I was a bit skeptical (another commercial party!), but I must admit that after organizing several baby showers for my girlfriends and having received two myself, I’ve grown more and more fond of this cute, little tradition. And I think it makes sense: I find it much more useful to give some little presents before the baby is born, when the parents are in the middle of preparations and need this or that. Also, this way we don’t invade their privacy once the baby arrives.

In films you see lots of different traditions (games, diaper shaped cakes with chocolate inside, songs etc), but it can be much simpler than that. For me, an afternoon tea with your girlfriends is the best. Today I’ll tell you how we organise it and what gifts I personally liked the best!

The mother decides the presents

This is what we do with my fiends: the mother makes a list of things she needs/likes, she gives it to a friend who set up a WhatsApp group with all the participants (only women) and each one chooses a gift. Yes, it is a bit like a wedding list, and it works great!

Share the work

Each one of us decides something to cook/buy to bring to the party (we normally have a tea party, so we opt for sweets… cakes, cupcakes, cookies, chocolates :-D) and so no one has to take full responsibility for the organisation.

Make it a surprise!

Since it is the mother who decides the gifts, she knows a party is coming up and it’s more difficult to surprise her. Yet, my friends managed to surprise me twice: the last one, actually, I wasn’t even expecting a baby shower, because I was on bed rest and I had asked my friend Marisa to buy all the stuff I still needed… she took the opportunity to organise a baby shower breakfast so they caught me still in my pyjamas on the couch… Beautiful and unexpected!

The perfect gifts!

In addition to the things the mother asks for, there are three gifts in particular that I loved (the first one is a must!):

  • The nappy cake, which is easy to make and a beautiful detail (with a wow effect) to decorate the table: on the Internet you can find many tutorials, but I think the way we make it is the easiest (I'll share a quick tutorial with you).
  • A belly photo shoot (or for the newborn) which for me turned into a beautiful afternoon with my husband and the photographers, and resulted in amazing pictures and priceless memories.
  • A voucher for a massage for pregnant women, which I greatly enjoyed two weeks before giving birth!

Oliver’s Baby Shower in 2015

Emily’s Baby Shower in 2016

Here below, you’ll find a couple more gift ideas that would be perfect for a Baby Shower :-)

Have you ever organised a baby shower? DO you like the idea or, like me at the beginning, are you a bit skeptical?

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Ciao! Sono Carlotta, creatrice de La Tela e viaggiatrice a tempo pieno insieme alla mia famiglia, Alex, Oliver ed Emily.