Let's start September with energy and exciting projects

Carlotta Cerri
6 settembre 2016

(Click all the links for more fun :-)

September, as many of my readers already know, is for me like the beginning of a new year.

English lessons (mine and my teachers’) start and with them comes the chaos of old and new students, hours, days, timetables, programs, materials… This year, however, is a bit different for me: I decided to delegate all my English lessons to my lovely teachers and focus professionally on my blog, which is growing quickly before my astonished eyes.

A year ago, my small web of thoughts became trilingual, not so much to reach more countries, but to make sure that my international friends could read it and share this journey with me. Since then, with the precision of a Swiss clock, every month the visits increased, every week I received more newsletter subscriptions, and every day some reader left me a comment or wrote me an email with compliments, questions, or just a “hello” to introduce their family to me (my favorite!).

I started columns that I couldn’t carry on, like Team Mama that from a monthly column became more of a guest post once in a while (a dear friend of mine is wrapping up one that I’m sure you’ll all love!), and I underestimated others, that are now giving me great satisfaction, like my baby product reviews that allowed me to rank first on Google.it.

I wrote, wrote and wrote, often with a very specific goal in mind, sometimes more in an impromptu kind of way. I wrote day in and day out (sometimes at night) just to be able to publish and not let my readers down. I didn’t stop even when I thought, “Why am I doing this? Three languages? It’s three times the effort! You’re crazy!”. After all, I had to honor my theory of “You create your own passion. The more you do, the better you become at it, the more you fall in love with what you do”.

Thanks to La Tela I grew as a blogger, but also as a mother, wife and person—I always say it, writing is a therapy. But not only. Thanks to La Tela, also my first child, my school language Enclavia Languages, has evolved and it is slowly turning into a business on autopilot (or at least that is the direction it’s taking).

So this year I start September on La Tela with a lot of energy and huge projects, like to make video reviews for my YouTube channel or bring more and more Montessori into your houses, starting with finally publishing (very soon now!) my first booklet on the practical aspects of the Montessori philosophy, and how to start your Montessori journey at home.

I hope you’ll continue to follow me and help me weave my web of thoughts by sharing my posts and articles with the families you love. And I hope you too can start September with energy and projects—old or new, small or big, professional or personal—that excite you, because at the end of the day there is nothing better than a little fire of passion inside us.

Big hugs to all.

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Ciao! Sono Carlotta, creatrice de La Tela e viaggiatrice a tempo pieno insieme alla mia famiglia, Alex, Oliver ed Emily.

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