We're all moved! New chapter

Carlotta Cerri
28 giugno 2016

After two weeks of packing, a weekend of more packing and disassembling furniture, a whole day of trips from one apartment to the other, last night we had dinner at our new place (eggs and bacon, which is our breakfast but also our last minute meal) and slept in our beds. And this is officially the first post published from our new apartment, written sitting on the balcony and connected to the internet through my iPhone!

Although at the moment it still looks like this…

It’s all so different here, and if you come back on Thursday you’ll ready about it, as I already have a post ready about this 360 degree change. We’re still a bit shocked for having taken this decision, but it feels right.

Oliver didn’t even notice… He spent the day with auntie Marisa and Bella, and in the evening, after devouring meatballs and vegetable purée (thanks Marisa!) he was so tired he fell asleep at 8pm… and we haven’t heard from him until morning!

Coming to a new home was fun, he explored every room (following Colbie around) and particularly loved the balcony, where he can now see outside!! We’ll be fine here!

See you on Thursday!

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Ciao! Sono Carlotta, creatrice de La Tela e viaggiatrice a tempo pieno insieme alla mia famiglia, Alex, Oliver ed Emily.