And then they were four…

Carlotta Cerri
24 maggio 2016

Yes, that’s correct! I’m really excited to announce that Alex and I are expecting our second child! We had decided to start trying again this year, around the summer time, but the little one (as all little ones) clearly had plans of his own and he’s already on his way (he or she, that is).

Funnily enough, this second pregnancy doesn’t feel real at all. For me, it’s true what they say, “The first pregnancy is about the first baby, the second pregnancy is also about the first baby”!

Alex and I keep saying things like, “We’ll have to redo everything all over again”, “We’ll be a family of four”, but I’m sure that neither one of us had fully realised we’re really going to have another baby.

Until yesterday morning.

You see, I haven’t gone to a visit yet, I just calculated my due date using one of these online calculators, which showed 19th of January. This morning, though, to make it more real and see how big the baby is supposed to be now etc, I decided to set up the pregnancy app that I also used for Oliver, Nurture, and little I knew I was on for a huge surprise: apparently when calculating the due date the first time, I had done it wrong, and the baby is coming already this year, around Christmas time!!!

So it became very real, very fast. I’m going to give birth already this year! I know it’s just a month earlier that what we thought, but mentally it feels like a huge difference to have the baby this year, instead of next year! So yeah, I freaked out a bit!

We’ll have our first appointment on Friday to see if everything is ok and I’ll be 10 weeks by then. I know many people don’t announce it before the 12th week, but I personally think it’s silly to share only the good news: if anything goes wrong in this delicate first weeks, I’d like people to know to be able to share the sad news with them.

So as family and some friends already know, I couldn’t possibly wait any longer to tell you too.

In seven months, if everything goes fine, we’re starting a new chapter and it’ll be called “There’s four of us”.

Ps. I can’t stop thinking of when Oliver arrived and hoping it’ll be another express birth… will it be as “easy” this time around?

Oliver wasn’t cooperating this morning, and we couldn’t convince him to take his hands off his mouth (five teeth are coming out at once!). So, good or bad, this is the very first official photo of the four of us :-)

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