IKEA Montessori bed (big boy version)

Carlotta Cerri
25 aprile 2016

When Oliver was 10 months old, along with other changes in our prepared environment (like our beloved reading corner), we decided it was time to give Oliver a big boy bed.

Until then he had slept in his smaller bed (70x160 cm)—his first Montessori bed which we had bought in IKEA and cut the legs off—and he could probably continued to sleep there for a while, but I insisted we got him a better mattress, so we changed upgraded the bed at the same time.

We were indecisive between the FJELLSE and the TARVA from IKEA, but then picked the latter (TARVA, 90x200 cm) as the big holes in the header of the FJELLSE seemed uncomfortable to us (I don’t want to say dangerous, as it’d probably be an exaggeration).

Exactly like we did with the first bed, we cut the legs off to make it a floor bed, leaving 2 cm so the carpet would fit underneath.

And after long thinking and researching, we decided on the MORGEDAL 90x200 cm mattress.

Too high?

As last time, I was worried about the height od the bed as it’s at least 10 cm higher than his previous one.

That’s why we also considered buying the reversible bed KURA (as a friend of ours did) and use it with the bed part at the top and the mattress on the floor (where the play area is supposed to be). Our friend and her daughter really like it.

It would have been a lovely solution also for when Oliver is a bit older and he can finally climb and sleep high up (I always wanted a bunk bed as a child and never had one)… and maybe with his little sibling sleeping underneath :-)

But in the end we decided to keep the bedroom “floor high”, because it felt more accessible for Oliver and less “busy”.

Oh, and once more, all the doubts about the height were completely useless: with just a little bit of practice, Oliver learnt to back off of his bed very quickly! And this is his model pose to show you his new skills…

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