Montessori bedroom 10-12 months

Carlotta Cerri
7 aprile 2016

Today I’ll continue the series about our prepared environment, because I always get lots of inspiration from other Montessori rooms and I hope you can get inspired by ours, too (by the way, I’m preparing a selection of my favourite Montessori rooms, you’ll like it!).

Since Oliver was 10 months old till now that he’s just turned one, our prepared environment has stayed pretty much the same, although there are a few things that we’ve changed and that some of you already noticed from the Instagram pictures (you eagle-eyed people!).

Big-boy bed

First of all, we got a bigger bed. We were indecisive between the FJELLSE and the TARVA by IKEA, but in the end we chose the latter (TARVA, 90x200 cm) as we didn’t like the big holes in the headboard of the FJELLSE. We then cut again the legs to make it a Montessori bed: if you missed the blog post where I showed you how to do it, you can read it here.

We also invested in a better mattress, also from IKEA (after lots of reading and thinking, we decided for the MORGEDAL 90x200 cm.

Mirror away (for now)

We removed the mirror close to the floor and we’ll soon put it vertically so that Oliver can see himself from head to toe and give himself many kisses (he loves doing that in the elevator :-D ).

Brand-new reading corner

But the biggest improvement is definitely our reading corner! We moved the changing table/play house to the guest bathroom (as we still use it to change nappies), put the small play mat on the floor, a couple of pillows, Oliver’s basket full of books and a floor lamp. This is the result:

I’m actually surprised about how much we’re using it. Oliver still doesn’t ask me to go there—he would instead bring books to me when he wants to read—but as he loves books I’m making a conscious effort to always go there to read them, so I think he’ll get it soon.

It’s super comfy, very easy to set up and I absolutely love it, especially at night when the light’s on it looks like it comes out of a film, like when the little boy curls up into mummy’s arms and she melts inside into a “ooohhh” 😍

Below, you can see the other posts about our prepared environment and if you like them, please don’t forget to share them to help me grow. Have a lovely day!

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