La Tela is brand-new! Design by Alex Bendiken

Carlotta Cerri
21 marzo 2016

Six months ago La Tela became trilingual. Since then it’s grown so much that my lovely and talented husband decided it was time to switch me away from Squarespace—that was making blogging a pain in the behind more than a pleasurable hobby.

What I didn’t know is that he was going to make it all better and absolutely gorgeous—with Oliver’s help as you can clearly see from the photos!

Fresh, beautiful and surprising

He freshened and cleaned up the design, improved the functionality by 10000% and made it way cuter, with lots of his signature minimal twists that you’ll discover little by little and they’ll give you a smile (signing up to my newsletter will definitely make your day!).

Very shareable

He made it easy and very accessible to share it on social networks, so please please please do and help me grow! By the way, you can find me also on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.

Everything just works

I won’t have any more complaints about comments not working because now they just do: go ahead and try! I’m guessing my cousin will be especially happy about that ;-)

And finally I’ll stop losing entire blog posts just right before clicking “publish”. By the way, thank you, Squarespace, for all these amazing experiences, I won’t miss you at all!

Really trilingual

But above all, he created a beautiful and functional integration between the three languages. Now you can choose what language to read the whole blog in by picking the language in the upper right corner.

You can switch between languages while reading a post thanks to a practical and stylish tab system.

Not all the articles written before September 2015 are translated yet (I’d need 12-day weeks for that!), but they will be little by little.

Personalised newsletter in your language

I almost forgot… Alex also redesigned the newsletter, which is now gorgeous AND in three languages. I think I assigned the right language to all my readers, but if I made a mistake or you want to receive it in another language, write me and I’ll make the change right away.

More motivated than ever!

I can’t thank my hubby enough for making La Tela so stunning for my readers and so functional for myself to work on. Blogging will be so much more enjoyable from now on and I’m more motivated than ever to make this little cob-web bunch of thoughts into something huge! That is, with your help, of course!

Can’t wait to hear what you all think. (PS. Have I already mentioned comments really and always work now? ;-)

Accedi alla conversazione (è gratis!)

Parla di questo post con il team La Tela e tutta la comunità e unisciti alle conversazioni su genitorialità, vita di coppia, educazione e tanto altro.

Ciao! Sono Carlotta, creatrice de La Tela e viaggiatrice a tempo pieno insieme alla mia famiglia, Alex, Oliver ed Emily.

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