Montessori workshops in Marbella, what a great idea!

Carlotta Cerri
24 febbraio 2016

Not long ago I told you why we decided to raise Oliver Montessori and why I love sharing this beautiful philosophy with everybody. In the last few months, seeing how much and quickly my little boy is growing, I let myself being pulled into the Montessori vortex, I started attending seminars and courses online and signed up for the RetoMontessori (a series of webinars that will continue throughout the whole year, unfortunately only in Spanish). With every seminar and course, I realise more and more how fascinating this lovely philosophy is and how right Maria Montessori was to give kids the tools to live peacefully—and just how much more there is behind this principle (which I'll explore with you little by little on the blog).That’s why it made me very happy to receive an invitation to a Montessori seminar right here in Marbella! Finally something local, with real people, not just sitting behind the screen of my computer chatting with icons—which I love because it gives me access to so much knowledge, but sometimes it feels good to sit on the floor and look at each other in the eyes.And that’s exactly what we did in the first Montessori seminar organised by Patricia Monterroso at her beautiful nursery La Coleta. And as there will be four more workshops, I’d like to tell you a little bit about it in case you decide to join in and learn a bit more about this philosophy.The workshops are great to get to know the Montessori philosophy and principles: they focus more on the method applied in schools, introducing the materials used in the “Case dei Bambini” and the basic principles, but lots of what you learn can be applied at home, modifying the materials according to the kids' age and getting ideas to play with your child.These are some of the materials we were shown and, as you can see, you can easily adapt them to use at home:

The workshops are given by Lola Ramírez, a young nursery teacher and Montessori Assistant trained through the “Asociación Montessori Andalucía”, crafty girl and, more importantly for me (as only through passion, can you transmit passion), very passionate about Montessori.She and Patricia also prepared a little gift inspired by the theme of the first taller "Practical Life" that all the participants had to finish up: a Montessori dressing frame, which is one of the materials used in Montessori schools to develop coordination and independence when getting dressed. By the way, when we finished to sew the buttons on it (I promised myself I'll sign up for a sewing course eventually!), a little girl who came with her mother started to use it and showed us the real practical side of what we learnt ;-)I'd like to thank Patricia and Lola, not only for organising Montessori workshops in Marbella (hopefully there will be lots more after the first four) and for getting parents together, showing them this inspiring philosophy and letting them share their experiences, but also for showing us that you don’t need much to spread the word about Montessori: just a room, a prepared person, parents sitting on the floor and lots of passion about children’s education and upbringing.

If you’re interested, the next workshops will be on:• Wednesday 9th March 4.30pm (theme "Sensorial")• Wednesday 13th April 4.30pm (theme "Language")• Wednesday 11th May 4.30pm (theme "Maths")The price of each workshop is 15€ and to reserve your spot you can call Patricia at 952 822 185. All the workshops will be held in La Coleta nursery, Calle la Morera, 57 (Marbella). You can bring your kids along (I took Oliver to the first meeting and he behaved like a big boy and loved playing with all those toys, especially the kitchen!).Here you can see the flier.

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Ciao! Sono Carlotta, creatrice de La Tela e viaggiatrice a tempo pieno insieme alla mia famiglia, Alex, Oliver ed Emily.