Today I'm on strike, I'm just a mum 

Carlotta Cerri
18 dicembre 2015

In the past two days I started writing at least five baby posts, three product reviews, two Baby Led Weaning articles. I haven’t finished any.

I like to keep a routine on my blog, write on a schedule, keep my commitment of publishing at least two posts a week.

One would think it’s easy: I’m working less and I’ve got plenty of material to write about. And it’s exactly true. But some days it just doesn’t work like that. I do sit down at the computer, turn off notifications on my iPhone and write. I do, I promise. Look through my window on those days and you’ll see me there, sitting in a silent apartment, as concentrated as a mum can be with her baby crawling to her chair every few minutes and demanding attention—I give him a cuddle, sit him back on the carpet with a toy and rush back to write something down as fast as I can before the next cuddle (sometimes I manage to write two full sentences!).

And even on those days I manage to be somewhat productive and publish (that’s why I wrote this post about how to be a working mum and maintain a blog).

I can do this. As long as I sleep at night, I can manage. I thought a few weeks ago, cheering myself up on one of those days.

Famous last words. Oliver started a phase of not sleeping much (at all?) at night—can be anything, teething, cold, hunger, developmental stage, sleep regression…

As a result, I’m not sleeping much at night—in the past two nights I slept an average of 7 hours, waking up every hour or two. I’m definitely not sleeping during the day—sleeping less at night doesn’t mean we can catch up during the day, there’s so much to see and do and smile about.

So today this is what you’re getting on my blog. A moan. Nothing else.

Come back on Monday and you’ll find out how great the Babybjörn high chair is. Come back next Wednesday and you’ll read a very special interview to Cristina from Montessori en Casa. Come back next Friday and you might even find Christmas wishes.

But today I’ve got the writer’s block. I’m on strike. I’m taking a day off. I’m just a mum. Think what you want, but now I’m gonna make Oliver and myself pretty and we’re out of here.

Oh, and no, I haven’t forgotten about the winners of the raffle. You’ll find them here!

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Ciao! Sono Carlotta, creatrice de La Tela e viaggiatrice a tempo pieno insieme alla mia famiglia, Alex, Oliver ed Emily.

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