Play-mat from Imaginarium — big, comfy and hair-free

Carlotta Cerri
11 novembre 2015

This is one of those classic purchases that I regretted not making earlier.

A couple of months ago I was desperately looking for a play-mat with very specific requirements: I wanted it big, easy to store and move from one room to the other, and absolutely NOT made out of fabric. Since Oliver started crawling, my dog’s hair has become my biggest nightmare (there are actual hair tumbleweeds flying in my living room), and fabric is just about the worst thing we can have on the floor.

I went to almost every shop in Marbella—and online!—and the only mat I liked which met all my requirements was this from Imaginarium. It seemed exactly what I was looking for, but 50€ felt too expensive and I left the shop thinking, “I’ll find a cheaper one”. Famous last words! I found many cheaper ones, but none even remotely as good as the one from Imaginarium. Two weeks ago, after months of complaints and washing blankets, I gave up and bought it.

Since then, we used it every day and everywhere.

So now I can say it, it IS exactly what I was looking for:

It’s big, 200 x 140 cm. In the evening we all lay on it and play.

It’s comfy. It’s made out of a thin, springy, plastic foam, great to absorb small bumps and falls. Hair doesn’t get trapped and comes off easily when lifting it—priceless!

It’s easy to store. It folds small, which makes it easy to store and move around.

It’s convenient to take anywhere. It comes in a bag with zipper and handles.

There is only one thing that I’d change: I’d buy it months ago, as soon as I saw it ;-) Live and learn!

What's your favourite play-mat?

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