Paleo pizza I’d serve to an Italian

Carlotta Cerri
22 gennaio 2014

I’m Italian, I love pizza. Unfortunately, pizza and paleo diet don’t really get along.

Although my husband and I are not paleo nuts, we do try to avoid carbs and especially those foods containing gluten. I can handle not having bread, pasta or pastries, but I can’t—and don’t want to—live without pizza.

In the past two years, we tried many different pizza recipes using flour substitutes, but they’re just not pizza.

We did like spinach pizza, but it’s tricky to get crispy as spinach tends to make it watery.

Then we tried cauliflower pizza.

Doesn’t that look just like a pizza? Well, it also tastes like one! And it’s so easy to make, that even I—a weird Italian who can’t really cook—can make it!

You only need half of a cauliflower head, an egg, some grated cheese, grated mozzarella, concentrated tomato and your favorite pizza topping (we usually use pepperoni). Salt, pepper, and organo, of course. That would do for two people.

So here it is (believe me, it’s way longer written than done):

  • Blend raw cauliflower in a food processor until it looks like snow.
  • Place the cauliflower snow in a clean, thin tea towel, twist the top of it and squeeze to drain all extra water. Just like my husband is doing in the picture.
  • Put the cauliflower in a bowl, add one egg, some grated cheese (I usually use a 250g package), salt and pepper. Mix it all together with a fork
  • Place the mixture on an oven tray (don’t forget oven paper!) and spread it until it’s big (I make it square), thin and smooth
  • Cook for 10-15 minutes in the oven (200°C) until the top is brownish
  • In the meantime, prepare your tomato sauce by pouring the concentrated tomato in a bowl and adding salt, pepper and oregano
  • Take your base out of the oven, spread the tomato sauce on it (no need to let it cool down) leaving a small border all around the edges—that’s your crust!
  • Add fresh or grated mozzarella (I prefer grated mozzarella, as fresh one can make your pizza a bit watery)
  • Add your favourite pizza topping, but try avoiding watery foods (like mushroom or pineapple)
  • Bake for 10 minutes
  • Enjoy!

It’s crispy and if your base is thin enough, you can barely taste the cauliflower. So good I’d serve it to any of my Italian friends!

Have a look here at my (few) super simple recipes :-)

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