Don't ask your children to share their toys

Carlotta Cerri
27 luglio 2020

I noticed that parents who ask their los sto share you have two rules. If my child wants their kid’s toy, they ask their kid to give it. If their child wants my kid’s toy, they tell their child not to take it, “it’s the child’s”.

Their child never wins.

Sharing is a beautiful concept, but it’s vague, it has no clear rules: we don’t ask our kids to share, we know they‘ll do it when they are ready.

Instead, we invite them to wait when somebody has a toy they want: this promotes patience. We tell them they don’t need to share their toy, if they don’t want to: this prevents them for feeling possessive and defensive about their own things.

This way, they learnt to share because they want to, not because they have to.

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