Name labels for school by StickerKid… thumb up!

Carlotta Cerri
21 agosto 2017

NB. This is a sponsored post. StickerKid was so kind to send me some of their products to try and, as I liked them, I decided to share them with you. I haven’t tried other brands, because when I find a product that works and meets my expectations, I usually like to stick with it.

I know, I said I was coming back in September, but I think this post might come in handy before our kids go back to nursery/school, so here I am to tell you about a product I’ve been using throughout the summer.

A few weeks before the summer camp, I got an email from the principal: “All the garments must be labeled with the kid’s name.” Ouch! It opened a whole new world in front of my eyes of first-time mum: clothe labels for nursery!

StickerKid came to the rescue with a selection of iron-on name labels for clothes. Oliver and I made the order together and he himself chose the pictures he wanted. Animals are super big at the moment, so we chose lions for Oliver’s iron-on stickers for clothes, tigers for Oliver’s round stickers (I picked these round stickers and we’re using them for anything, toys, backpack, water bottles, books…), and “Maya the bee” for Emily’s round stickers, but there are plenty of logos and characters to choose from.

I have to admit it, I was a bit skeptical: a sticker that resists the washer and the dryer? But StickerKid proved me wrong: these iron-on labels for clothes are super resistant, easy to apply by following the instructions (iron on 160°C, baking paper in between, hold down for 20 seconds, and do not wash for 48 hours), whigh makes them ideal for nursery or any situation where clothes have to be machine washed almost daily. It’s definitely better to apply them on a smooth part of the garment, but they work also on the elastic part on the belt (yes, I did my testing!).

In my order, I also included these “ironless” labels (“no-iron” was the magic word ;-), but they’re definitely less resistant to the washing machine and the dryer, which makes them better for garments that don’t need to be machine washed often, like swimsuits, hats — I even used them for Oliver’s nursery slippers, before I noticed that Stickerkid sells special shoe labels.

And for the beach, a day at the mall and our trip to Finland (you can follow our adventures on Instagram), I also ordered these safety wristbands that are practical and don’t seem to bother Oliver (who was, indeed, super excited to wear them because they have the image of a bike on them… vehicles are our other great passion at the moment!).

Special discount for La Tela parents

StickerKid was also so kind to send me a 10% discount code for La Tela parents! It’s very easy to use: just choose your products, add them to your basket, proceed to check-out and at the end activate the code LATELADICARLOTTA by entering it in the Coupon form. Easy peasy!

Happy labelling to us, and happy return to school to our little ones!

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Ciao! Sono Carlotta, creatrice de La Tela e viaggiatrice a tempo pieno insieme alla mia famiglia, Alex, Oliver ed Emily.

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