Emily is here!

Carlotta Cerri
31 gennaio 2017

We are so thrilled to introduce our sweet sweet little girl, Emily.

She was born on the morning of the 31st of December at 6:30am after another express labor and birth. Can’t wait to share more with you (and tell you all about my exciting second labor) over the next week or two. She is incredibly chill and so aware, I don’t remember Oliver spending so much time awake just looking around and taking it all in. We are over the moon, but absolutely exhausted (she’s not a great night sleeper), I feel like my life right now is all about changing nappies (size 1 and 5), breastfeeding, and unsuccessfully trying to reason with a two year olds while rocking a newborn! Crazy!

I can’t believe today she’s already one month old—and at the same I can’t believe she’s only one month old, and she’s already stolen our hearts! 💜

Our first selfie

She’s growing and changing quickly, but it’s clear that she, like Oliver, also has those oriental eyes that made me fall in love with Alex! (Although unlike Oliver she’s not bald! ;-)

It’s a girl, hihi! 💅🏼💄

Although, I prefer her like this!

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Ciao! Sono Carlotta, creatrice de La Tela e viaggiatrice a tempo pieno insieme alla mia famiglia, Alex, Oliver ed Emily.

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