Thoughts about my second pregnancy — 28 weeks

Carlotta Cerri
12 ottobre 2016

Seven months into this second pregnancy, I feel it’s time for another one of my posts of cob-web thoughts. Right after writing it, I went back to read the one I wrote about my first pregnancy around the same time, 30 weeks… it’s funny to see how different the two experiences are and feel so far! Did you feel completely different in your second pregnancy, too?

  • I always called Oliver little monkey, but I feel like it doesn't work for Emily. So I decided that she'll be little pumpkin—nickname she got from Sara, a dance mate who said my belly looked like a small pumpkin in the show outfit :-D
  • I loved my first pregnancy, I felt so happy all the time and everything felt easy and zen. This time around, although there's still lots of happiness, there's definitely no zen whatsoever! Oliver's energy is really incompatible with mine at the moment, and everything feels harder—from bending to put him in bed when he falls asleep in my arms, to playing with him, to breastfeeding him, to run around for different activities and courses. Even Emily's unpleasant kicking and punching don't make me smile so much this time around (although when she doesn't kick for too long I can't help but worry, so… keep it coming, little pumpkin!).
  • I definitely don't want baby number 3. I always said I'd love to have three children, but I changed my mind! After Emily, I'll get my body back, I'll get into the best shape of my life and I'll enjoy my 30s being a young, cool mum, blogging and dancing my feet off! I discovered I'm quite selfish that way, so I'm pretty sure I'll resist the urge of baby-ness if it ever hits me!
  • I'm actually scared of giving birth. I was never, not even for one second, scared of giving birth to Oliver. I was looking forward to it. I didn't know what to expect, I was just curious to discover to it was all about. But now I know what to expect. And, believe me, reliving that pain actually scares me (who said women forget the pain, clearly never gave birth!). I still have my mind set on NO epidural, so I just hope it'll be as easy and quick as the first time around. Please, little pumpkin, behave!
  • In my first pregnancy, my whole body was definitely smaller at seven months (even though I have to admit it doesn't show much in the picture), so even though I'm not big now, it's definitely true that the second pregnancy shows more and sooner.
  • It might be a myth, but when they say that girls "steal your beauty" it might actually be true. When I was pregnant with Oliver, I was glowing. This time around, there's no glow, my hair's not shining and my skin's not fresh and beautiful. Damn!
  • When I was pregnant with Oliver, I didn't wear maternity clothes until the last two or three months. This time around, those ugly shorts/pants with the big waistband were all I dreamt of already at the forth month!
  • One thing never changes, though. I can't wait to meet Emily and also see if she's Finnish (another mini Alex) or Italian (a mini me)… that's the big bet at the moment around here! ;-) I bet she'll be another mini Alex! Alex thinks she'll be a mini me! You wanna join the guessing?

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Ciao! Sono Carlotta, creatrice de La Tela e viaggiatrice a tempo pieno insieme alla mia famiglia, Alex, Oliver ed Emily.

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