5 things that made my life as a mummy much easier

Carlotta Cerri
15 agosto 2016

This morning I left the house in a hurry and forgot my hair clip: it was windy and I had to walk all the way with my hair in my eyes, unable to move it away because I was pushing the pram with one hand and holding Colbie’s leash with the other. I was reminded how much easier some things makes my life since I’m a mummy. So today I’ll share my TOP 5 list with you!

Hair clip

I couldn’t live without this! I’m not a very girly woman, but before Oliver arrived, I liked wearing my hair down, I’d curl it sometimes, straighten it other times. I had even started trying different hairstyles that my friend Marisa would patiently teach me (I’m a mess!). But after Oliver, my default hairstyle is hair away from face, neck, back, shoulders on wherever it can get sweaty, pulled or eaten. So hair clip it is!

This long clip is by far my favourite kind of hair clips, elegant and practical at the same time: you can wear your hair up in a bun (1), in a half bun (2), in a side bun (3) or go for a messy style (4)! As you can see, I always look slightly different using just one tool that requires no hair skill at all! I love it!

Back Seat Mirror

I already told you about this in the post about our super duper DUALFIX car seat, but putting the mirror on the back seat really made my life easier on the road. I love having the mirror there to see if Oliver is fine, if he’s falling asleep, if he’s crying for a serious reason or simply for him to be able to see me, too.

Bluetooth headset

Every day I go for a long walk and as Oliver is still not the best interlocutor, that’s a perfect time to catch up with family, make some business calls or say hi to that friend I never have time to walk. I had always used earbuds, but lately between the pram and my dog on the leash, the cable was always getting in the way: this headset is the best solution ever!

And of course my hubby researched a bit to get me the best one at a reasonable price. It’s the Explorer 50 by Plantronics: it’s bluetooth, can be worn in either ear, it’s extremely easy to set up with my iPhone, interacts with Siri so I don’t even have to take out my phone to make a call, it stays perfectly on my ear, and the audio quality is great on both ends.

Update: I now use Apple AirPods and I’m much happier, the integration with iPhone and Apple Watch is priceless!

Food tower

This is a great mummy hack invented by my friend Joanna. Since we started Baby-led Weaning we always need to have some snack available for the kids: cut fruit and vegetables, homemade cookies, halved olives or sliced ham. That’d be a lot of containers!

This “food tower” (that’s how we call it) solved the problem: it’s a common milk tower (for mums who use formula milk on the go or for the nursery) and you can buy it in any pharmacy… we just adapted it to be used for snacks instead of formula milk. And it’s great!

Corn/Rice cakes

That’s right! Corn or rice cakes that you can buy at the supermarket have saved my behind a few times: when queuing at the bank with a cranky Oliver, eating at a restaurant with a fussy Oliver, or even just at the play ground with a hungry Oliver. They are easy to find and carry, relatively healthy (healthier than cookies and crisps), and incredibly versatile: you can have them with Philadelphia, hummus, olive paté, guacamole… When I buy them, I usually just make sure they are gluten-free, salt-free, and with olive oil instead of vegetable oil. Et voila!

I hope you enjoyed the post at least as much as I enjoyed writing it. What are your life-saving things in your mummy life?

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