John Hunter teaches his students with the World Peace game

Carlotta Cerri
6 gennaio 2013

[ted id=1127]A very interesting TED talk by a very inspiring teacher, John Hunter, who invented the World Peace Game.

“There are four countries around the board. The kids make up the names of the countries—some are rich, some are poor. They have different assets, commercially and military. And each country has a cabinet. There’s a Prime Minister, Secretary of State, Minister of Defense and a CFO. […] There’s a World Bank, arm dealers and a United Nations.

There’s also a 13-page crisis document with 50 interlocking problems: ethnic and minority tensions, chemical and nuclear spills, nuclear proliferation. There’s oil spills, environmental disasters, water rights disputes, breakaway republics, famine, endangered species and global warming”.

Right, I almost forgot to mention his students are fourth-graders, nine years old.

Watch to believe.

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