Big belly photo shoot, ideas and final result

Carlotta Cerri
3 novembre 2015

Big belly photo shoot, ideas and final result

I loooove big bellies! Since always and forever ;-). And I wasn’t going to let mine go without taking a million pictures of it. Today I’ll share with you some of my favourite ones (which I looked at again a few days ago, while writing Five Things I Wish Every Pregnant Woman Knew).

Professional photos, the perfect gift for pregnant friends

For my birthday, almost a year ago, when Oliver was still in the belly, my friends gave me a beautiful gift: a belly photo shoot that I decided to do just one week before Oliver was born. Today, after seven months, going through those pictures and thinking that my little Oliver—who’s now already crawling—was in there, makes me super emotional.

If you have a pregnant friend, this is THE perfect gift! Thank you so much girls, and thanks to Beatriz and Esther from Materniland for the photos (and also for their patience and kindness).

DIY belly photo shoot, a different afternoon

I love DIY and as I really wanted some semi-naked pictures, too, I asked the most patient person I know (my sister) to help me take some. So when she was here in Marbella, we spent a whole afternoon going through Pinterest big-belly photos and replicating the ones we liked the best. We only used an iPhone, a white sheet, a white curtain, a white shirt (yes, everything white!) and lots of patience. And I love the result—simple and intimate.

So today, on this grey and rainy Marbella day, I’ll share with you these lovely memories from my pregnancy. You can see the pictures here below.

Do you have other gift ideas for your pregnant friend? Share them here!

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Ciao! Sono Carlotta, creatrice de La Tela e viaggiatrice a tempo pieno insieme alla mia famiglia, Alex, Oliver ed Emily.