What's new on La Tela di Carlotta

Carlotta Cerri
14 settembre 2015

Like for many teachers and mothers, for me the New Year starts in September. Not in January. When I tell my husband, “Next year…” he asks, “next year in September, or next year for real?”

It’s true. September, not January, is the month of New Year’s resolutions, new projects, big changes, exciting beginnings. But it’s also the most stressful month, as it means organizing timetables, calling students, making everybody happy by giving them their favorite time (which seems to be always the same for everybody), organising material, decluttering drawers and cupboards.

This year, on top of everything, there’s also my little monkey who needs my attention 24/7—attention that I want to give him as much as possible, because he’s the most amazing tiny person I’ve ever met :-P

So it seems only fair that La Tela, this tiny window on my life and what I love, has its new beginning, too. Here’s what’s new, I hope you like it!

Three languages

You probably noticed that lots of my posts are in two or three languages. I’ve always done it, I’m trilingual and I’ve got a translator soul. So from now on all my posts will be in three languages—Italian, English and Spanish.

I'm in three languages, too!

As everything else is in three languages, my About page couldn’t be any different. So it’s now also in English and Spanish.

Shorter posts

When I read a long post, even if interests me, I feel like stopping half way. Not because of lack of concentration, but because half of those words are often unnecessary. Briefness is an art. Self editing, too.

That’s why from now on, my posts will be short and sweet, and will reflect more my practical and easy-going lifestyle. In fact, this will be the longest post in a while :-)

New content

I’ve always written about paleo, exercise, good quality products, English, teaching, things that inspire me. I’ll keep writing about all that.

But as being a mother is now a huge part of my life, you’ll see increasingly more posts about Oliver, his progress, the Montessori method, and baby product reviews.

Coming soon in Mamme & Bimbi

Stokke Xplory and Babybjörn highchair review, Baby Led Weaning to introduce solids in baby’s diet, how to strengthen his back when it’s time to sit, miraculous belly massage to help with wind and colics. And I’ll also write about my paleo diet in pregnancy and how it helped me get back in shape for a dance show two months after Oliver was born.

My favorite blogs translated for you

Once in a while, I’ll translate a post from one of my favourite blogs, the ones that inspire and motivate me to follow our non-traditional lifestyle. You’ll see Montessori en Casa, Zen Habits, A Cup of Jo, Me Gusta Estar Bien and many other.

Sharing is growing!

At the end of every post, you’ll find this text.

Did you like it? Click the heart, share it or leave a comment :-)

I’d really like you to do it. I’d love for La Tela to grow on Google and Google likes three things: 1. Lots of content, 2. Shared links and 3. Comments. I’ll take care of the first one, but I’ll need your help with the other two.

  • It takes 10 minutes (or less) to leave a comment—good, bad, compliments, critiques, all comments are welcome.
  • It takes 30 seconds to share a post—on Twitter, Pinterest or Facebook.
  • It takes 2 seconds to click the heart—this doesn't help La Tela grow, but it makes me happy (and the animation is so cute!).


If you like the content of La Tela, sign up for the newsletter in the side bar (or down below if you’re on an iPhone). You’ll get only one email per week with the latest posts, on Tuesday at 9am.


I’m more and more active on Twitter and I’m actually starting to enjoy it. If you have a Twitter account, let’s follow each other! Also, from now on my posts will have quotes that you can tweet directly with one click. Like this one.

“For us mums and teachers, the New Year starts in September. Not in January.”

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This is all. For this new beginning at least. Hope to see you around La Tela :-)

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Ciao! Sono Carlotta, creatrice de La Tela e viaggiatrice a tempo pieno insieme alla mia famiglia, Alex, Oliver ed Emily.

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